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Our Role as Deacons of the Greendale MB Church takes its direction from those of the Early Church. People were chosen from among the congregation to care for the needy in the church, so that the disciples were free to preach the gospel. In many ways that is what our role as Deacons is today. We provide physical and spiritual resources to those in need both within the church and within our community. We do this by offering care and by providing practical and tangible help in whatever way we can.

Who are they?

What do they do?

- Meet once a month to review requests, share areas of need, and pray for our church members and community

- Visit seniors, those in hospital and those who are isolated in their homes and those unable to attend church.

- Distribute Bibles and literature where they would be helpful,

- Help needy families from both our church and our community with counseling fees, gas and grocery gift cards and other special requests. These funds are drawn from funds donated directly to the Deacons by members of the congregation.

- Plan events for our seniors and pursue ways to provide emotional and practical support to our congregation and community.

- Appoint people to prepare and serve communion.

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604 823 6364


6550 Sumas Prairie Road

Chilliwack, BC, Canada

Office Hours:

8 - 4 Mon., Tues., Thurs.

8-2 Wed.

Closed holidays

Greendale MB Church 2022

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