With prayer times before and during the services, a Prayer Chain, monthly prayer times with the GMB Board, and other occasional prayer events, there are many opportunities to pray with and for others. Our Prayer Room is open during office hours Monday. Contact the church office for more information.
Remember to check the prayer wall in the church foyer where you can post a prayer request or spend time praying for the other needs mentioned.
Below are some current requests for prayer. If you would like to have your request listed, please fill out the form page or contact the church office. Personal requests will be posted for approximately one week.
- Pray that each follower of Christ will be growing in true faith and be bold to share what Jesus has done for them, and what he has done for all! Pray that as we share, people will respond and commit to following him..
- Pray for people all over the world and those in our neighbourhoods who are experiencing anxiety in these stressful times, that God would fill them with peace as they submit their requests to Him.
- Pray for all those who suffer loss or become refugees because of war or persecution, and pray for God's continued grace and provision as he leads and enables people to respond and help them. Pray for those who are inciting or perpetuating persecution and destruction, that their eyes and hearts would be opened to God's truth, love and forgiveness, and that they would respond to and follow Him.
- Pray for peace, comfort and strength for those struggling with poor health or grieving the loss of loved ones.
- Pray for those around the world struggling to survive devastating natural events.
- Pray for many who are struggling with substance abuse and addictions, that they would find healing and fulfillment in Jesus and be set free. Pray for healing in their relationships with others. Pray for people who have been attending Freedom Session, that God will work powerfully with healing and growth.
- Pray for the health of marriages and relationships within our families and circles of connection.
- Pray for those who suffer injury or loss of loved ones due to criminal activity. Pray that God will do redemptive work in the hearts of both victims and perpetrators. Pray for Christ's love to abound to the hurting through His Spirit and His followers.